BCH Guru Documentation

About BCH Guru


BCH Guru is a unique crypto price prediction platform built on the Bitcoin Cash mainchain. Utilizing Cashtokens technology, users (Gurus) can engage in peer-to-peer, non-custodial, and permissionless price predictions for their favorite cryptocurrencies.


Introduction to CashConnect

BCH Guru uses the CashConnect protocol to connect the application to compatible CashToken wallets. CashConnect is a versatile protocol intended to standardize application to wallet connections within the BCH ecosystem. It is still in its pre-alpha phase. Further details about the project can be found here.

Connecting to CashConnect

To first start using the BCH Guru application, you'll need to connect to your wallet. Currently, Cashonize is the only compatible wallet with CashTokens. You can connect by copying the CachConnect URL or simply opening Cashonize via the link. Thereafter, sign to approve the session and return to the BCH Guru application. Your account should now be connected.

Predicting Prices

Game 1: Guru vs Guru

Guru vs Guru is the first non-custodial smart contract price prediction game developed for BCH Guru. It consists of two players, both predicting prices for a crypto asset on a certain date and time.

Player 1 initiates the game by creating a new on-chain price prediction, choosing asset, time of prediction and their stake. Player 1's price call itself remains secret, whereas the rest of the prediction details are published for any player wishing to accept the game offer, by providing a price call of their own and a matching stake. Once Player 2 joins, the game is public and both player's price calls are visible to watch. The player with the closest price prediction at the time of prediction time receives the payout.

Creating an Offer

Player 1 initially creates a crypto price prediction offer. This is done by selecting a number of parameters:

  • Asset to predict
  • Time and date of prediction
  • Price prediction (in USD)
  • Asset to stake (to back your call)
  • Amount of selected asset to stake
  • Offer expiry

There will initially be some parameter limits during BCH Guru Beta. Beta launches with three assets to choose from (BCH / BTC / ETH) and predictions must be at least 12 hours in advance, with a 45 day limit on future predictions.

Furthermore, in the Beta period, only FURU tokens can be staked, with a maximum limit of 100,000 FURU tokens per stake.

Offer Expiry

Offer expiry is the window in which Player 1 wishes to keep their offer open to other players. After the offer expires, the offer will no longer be available for players to accept, and will enter an expiring phase, before auto-returning the funds to Player 1's wallet.

Cancelling an Offer

Once an offer has been made, Player 1 can withdraw the offer by cancelling it and the stake funds are returned to the wallet. This will only be available whilst the offer is open. If Player 2 accepts the offer, the game begins and Player 1 can no longer cancel the offer.

Accepting an Offer

If an offer is open, it will be visible to all users on the application. All details of the offer will be available to reivew, except Player 1's price call, which will remain secret. Player 2 can accept the offer by making a matching price prediction and matching the stake. Once a game has started, both Players' price calls become public.

Determining the winner

The winner is determined by the oracles published for the asset being played. The oracle message used to determine the winner is the first oracle message after the prediction time. The closest price prediction to this message will receive the payout, and the losing player will receive nothing. In the event of a draw, the payout will split equally between both players.

Recovery Clause

In the event that either the price oracles and / or the settlement service has a permanent disruption, funds within the contract still have a recovery clause. If the contract remains unsettled 5 days after the prediction time, funds can be claimed back by the players. This will return the stakes equally to the participating wallets.

Note: Tooling for this recovery is in development but not completed currently.

Understanding Fees

Interacting with the Bitcoin Cash blockchain requires network fees. When an offer is created, accepted, cancelled or paid out, BCH network fees are required. Although network fees are extremely small, these are not accounted for in the following fee descriptions:

FURU gameplay

There are no Guru fees, Oracle fees, or any dividends paid out for FURU play. 100% of the stake payout is distributed to the winning price prediction (excluding network fees).

BCH gameplay

The following fee structure applies for BCH play (excluding network fees):

  • Oracle fee: 1%
  • BCH Guru NFT dividends: 2%
  • Guru fee: 3%

FURU Tokens

What are FURU Tokens?

The FURU Token is a fungible CashToken on Bitcoin Cash mainchain and exclusively integrated into the BCH Guru application. FURU tokens can be used to stake price predictions on-chain and is the only CashToken that can be used to stake. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the only other asset that is stakeable on BCH Guru.

The official FURU Token ID is: d9ab24ed15a7846cc3d9e004aa5cb976860f13dac1ead05784ee4f4622af96ea


FURU Tokens are distributed freely, with no initial value, solely to BCH Guru NFT holders over two airdrops. More details about the tokenomics, airdrops, and collection multipliers can be found here: Furunomics.

Obtaining FURU Tokens

FURU tokens can also be obtained on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). DEXs are third parties within the CashToken ecosystem and therefore it recommended to do your own research when interacting with them. The following DEXs are currently available for CashTokens:



The BCH Gurus are a pioneering cashtokens NFT collection on Bitcoin Cash, integrating with the BCH Guru Game ecosystem. Further details can be found on the official BCH Guru NFT site.

The official BCH Guru NFT Token ID is: f54ce0297a4017cc922aacde5f7abe7a8397a1058b879f5eb9e2a643d4ec2301


BCH Guru NFT holders receive airdrops of FURU tokens distributed over 2 scheduled airdrops, the first on 2nd November 2024 and the second (last) one on 2nd August 2024. Further details can be found on the official BCH Guru NFT site.


BCH Guru NFT holders will share dividends from BCH gameplay fees when the BCH Guru app launches in production. Further details about dividends distribtion can be found on the official Guru Divs page.

Price Oracles

Price Oracles

BCH Guru uses the oracles published at oracles.cash to detemine the asset price at the end of the game.

The following are links to the oracles for the current assets supported by BCH Guru. These oracles are provided by an independent 3rd party, General Protocols.


Further information about General Protocols' price source policy can be found here.

Change Log

Version 1.0.3

14th September 2024
  • CashConnect Cashonize link fix.

Version 1.0.2

10th September 2024
  • Minor bug fix CashConnect Cashonize icon.

Version 1.0.1

8th September 2024
  • Longer expiry options added for price predictions (48 and 72 hours) for any predictions greater than 2 weeks and 4 weeks respectively.

Version 1.0.0 (Production)

1st August 2024
  • Release of Bitcoin Cash staking gameplay (1 BCH limit). Minor fix to stats page.

Version 0.0.9 (Beta)

13th April 2024
  • Contract limit increases - 90 day predictions, 1 million $FURU limit!

Version 0.0.8 (Beta)

24th March 2024
  • New gameplay assets: LTC, AVAX, SOL, BNB!

Version 0.0.7 (Beta)

9th March 2024
  • Community page update!

Version 0.0.6 (Beta)

2nd March 2024
  • Minor updates and bug fixes to My Stats

Version 0.0.5 (Beta)

24th February 2024
  • Release of My Stats Dashboard

Version 0.0.4 (Beta)

25th Janaury 2024
  • Minor update to my game log stats

Version 0.0.3 (Beta)

11th Janaury 2024
  • Minor PWA improvements

Version 0.0.2 (Beta)

7th Janaury 2024
  • Avatar selection and other minor bug fixes

Version 0.0.1 (Beta)

5th Janaury 2024
  • Initial Release of Beta

Media Kit